Winter donation 2023:As long as it is silent, we are loud.

The current political climate makes us shiver. Almost every day, we see how the public debate on flight and migration is drifting further and further to the right and, as a result, the systematic destruction of human rights continues. Let's be clear: if the fundamental right to asylum is abolished, we all have to care.

As long as human rights are being cut back, we will loudly stand up against it. Be loud with us and support Seebrücke with a donation this winter!

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And you, 'how long' will you remain active and support Seebrücke? Get involved!

Share  your "as long as"-slogans with us. By text or video message, tell us what brings you out on the streets and why you are supporting Seebrücke this year.

Start your winter donation campaign this winter and share it with your friends, family, city, favourite pub, sports club and community, online and offline.

While it is silent, let's take a stand together for humanity and solidarity!